My Favourite Places On The Net
In The Beginning

All About Who I Am

What's New In My Life

Call Me If You Can

My Favourite Places On The Net

Art Page

Cute Internet Collection

My Anime Collection

Random Pictures

Friends And Family Page 1

Friends And Family Page 2

Friends and Family Page 3


I'm involved in a few things, and this is how you find them, click, click, go crazy, hehehe

Still working in here, it'll get better though

Favourites, Places I couldn't live without
Prochatting The Best Little Chat Place In The World
DiaryLand Practically everyone I know has an online journal. And this is the place they all have them at.
GOOGLE As Far as I'm concerned the only search engine in the world
LDSCafe An LDS Forum A Place to Come and Discuss everyday things. And do crazy stuff too.

And then All the Rest
Bored Already?? Somewhere to go when the world gets too serious
Caryn's Website She is the sunshine. That's her Nickname anyways.
Colin's Page You Saw His Pic On My Friends Page, Now Visit His Sight